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How to work with ambassadors' data

Brand admins have access to all the general and engagement information about people who joined the ambassador program. It helps better understand and direct your community, personalize the communication and create specific marketing campaigns. 

To check the ambassadors' data just go to the Ambassadors menu of your Spitche program. 

At the top near the "Ambassadors" title you can see the total number of the registered ambassadors and switch between Instagram, Facebook and Sales tabs (if you have already connected your social media pages and e-commerce store). 

By default due to security reason all sensitive ambassadors information is blurred. You have an option to hide or display the personal data of ambassadors by clicking a gallpoint. 



Besides, you can search ambassadors by the following parameters:

  • first/last name,
  • Facebook name,
  • email address,
  • Instagram username.


What information about my ambassadors is available?


Currently, you can see by default in the list the following information: 

  • First and last name, email address;
  • Instagram username;
  • Registration date and last action date;
  • Total accumulated number of points & engagement level;
  • Number of redeemed rewards;
  • Number of friends' referrals (if you have Referral feature enabled);
  • If they are subscribed to your marketing emails.
  • Number of Facebook likes, comments, shares and friends' actions;
  • Number of Instagram comments, photo and video where you were tagged or mentioned, Feed comment
  • Sales data (value generated, number of purchases, items purchased)


Also, you can download ambassadors information as a CSV file to check additional data that is not displayed directly in the list or to implement it in your CRM. Simple click "Download CSV" button to generate a file with all data exists at the moment.

NB! We will send data by email if we need more time to generate a CSV file for you.



In a CSV file you can find additional information about your ambassadors such as:


Send points 


Besides, you can also manually reward your ambassadors for specific actions outside of Spitche by sending them points. For example, if you select your most active ambassadors and ask them to write a review, if they do so, you can reward them with extra points.