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Multiple languages for ambassadors

Spitche for your ambassadors can be displayed in multiple languages. Before inviting your community you can set the default language for your ambassadors, so they can use your program with no problems. When ambassadors join your program, the language of the ambassadors' account will be the one you settled for your program. Multiple language settings allow you to personalize your internal communication with the ambassadors even more.


Settings from Brand side


To change the language for your Ambassadors area, just go to the Program -> Ambassador info -> scroll down to the language settings.

By default, ambassadors area language is English. Currently, available languages are English, French, Spanish, Polish, Romanian, Italian, German, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Dutch, Catalan, Portuguese and Serbian.


The ambassador's language preference will be displayed once you download your CSV ambassador's file (for this go to the Ambassadors menu), in the column "Language".

If there is n/a in the column "Language", it means that the ambassador didn't make changes in the default settings of a brand.


Settings from Ambassadors side


Ambassador can change language anytime at Profile -> Personal data.

The language preference will be saved for the following logging and for the next times as well.

If you need to add any custom language for your ambassadors area, please submit a support ticket with a custom language request.