How can we help?

Creating a reward


Rewards help your ambassadors upgrade their engagement level and redeem with their points. Besides, rewards encourage your community to perform more social media actions.


Create reward

To create a reward, go to  Rewards -> Add reward.



Step 1: Activate / Deactivate reward


  • Toggle the "Activate" button to make your reward available.
  • A deactivated reward remains in your account, but it's not visible to your ambassadors. 


Step 2: Reward name and picture


  • Add the name of your reward, this name will be displayed as the main title of your reward on the ambassador page.
  • Upload a reward picture, it will be used as the main visual along with the reward name on your ambassador page.
  • The reward picture must be uploaded in .JPG, or .PNG format
  • Recommended size: 600px - 400px
  • Maximum file size: 1MB.




Step 3: Reward description


  • Add a description to your reward, use this space to inform your ambassador on the steps to follow to redeem their reward once they receive the code associated.

Example text:

"Once you reached the amount of points and engagement level required, redeem this reward by using the unique code generated on our online shop."

"Once you reached the amount of points and engagement level required, redeem this reward by sending us the code generated to:"


  • Add a link to redirect your ambassadors from the program to your website, the related product page or any webpage related to your reward. It will be displayed on the redeeming a reward window for ambassadors. 

NB! This link will be accessible for all ambassadors to visit at any time, independently from their number of points or engagement level.