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Ambassadors Insights

The Insights tab on your dashboard offers a comprehensive view of your ambassadors' activity, including joining metrics, progress tracking, and peak engagement times. This guide will help you navigate and utilize the different features available in this tab.

Ambassador Joining Metrics

The Growth section provides an accumulative graphical representation of how many ambassadors have joined your program over a selected period. The vertical axis represents the number of ambassadors and the horizontal axis represents the chosen dates. This allows you to compare data and observe growth trends. Adjust the date filter to view data for different periods. The graph and metrics will be updated according to the selected date range.

Metrics Displayed:

  • Total: shows the total number of ambassadors who joined during the selected period.

  • By referral: indicates the number of ambassadors who joined through a referral link within the chosen period.

The Acquisition Channels section illustrates how ambassadors have joined your program, whether through a direct brand link or referrals.

The pie chart illustrates the proportion of ambassadors who joined via the brand’s direct link (Brand) versus those who joined through referral links (Referral). The data table provides both - the absolute numbers and the percentage of total ambassadors who joined via each channel.


Peak time of total engagement

The heatmap displays engagement data across different time periods, highlighting the best days and times for peak engagement. Depending on the selected date range, the heatmap will adjust accordingly, providing insights into when your audience is most active. Total engagement time includes time spent by ambassadors on the platform and social media. 

The heatmap highlights the two best day and time options for peak engagement. By leveraging the heatmap feature, you can make informed decisions on when to engage with your audience to maximize impact and effectiveness. Use these insights to schedule posts, events, and other engagement activities for optimal results.

Ambassador Progress Tracking

You can track and analyze the progress of your ambassadors through three following graphs: 

  • Level Graph

  • Current Points Graph

  • Total Accumulated Points Graph

NB! Please, notice that there is no filter option available. The data displayed reflects the progress of all ambassadors overall time. 


The Level Graph illustrates the distribution of ambassadors across different levels. It shows both the absolute number of ambassadors and the percentage of the total number of ambassadors who have achieved certain levels

  • Vertical axis: represents the level ranges

  • Horizontal axis: represents the number of ambassadors.

The Current Points Graph shows how many ambassadors currently have a certain number of points. This graph provides both the absolute number of ambassadors and the percentage of the total number of ambassadors within each points range. 

The Total Accumulated Points Graph illustrates the distribution of ambassadors based on the total points they have accumulated overall time. Like the previous graphs, it shows both the absolute number and the percentage of the total number of ambassadors within each points range

  • Vertical axis: represents the points ranges.

  • Horizontal axis: represents the number of ambassadors.


Tips for Maximizing Insights

  • Regular monitoring: regularly check the Insights tab to monitor growth trends and acquisition effectiveness.

  • Date comparison: use different date ranges to compare performance over time and identify peak periods of engagement.

  • Focus on referrals: pay attention to the number of referrals to gauge the effectiveness of your current ambassadors in recruiting new ones.

By effectively using the Insights tab, you can gain valuable insights into your ambassador program's performance and make informed decisions to enhance your growth and engagement strategies.